Saturday, December 17, 2011

9 Months Old

Happy 9 months Mister! You are so much fun and the love of our lives! 

You love to sit and play with your toys... especially when we are sitting right next to you. Although you are not crawling, you are getting stronger and are able to pick up and move one hand at a time. 

You continue to being a great eater. The doctor suggested that you need to eat more protein... after testing baby food meat, we have found that you love Gerber Chicken and Apples. You have also fallen in love with Cheerios.

You are still a fabulous sleeper! Your mommy loves your 12 hour night time sleep and 2 naps during the day... let's keep it up buddy!! 

You still hate your car seat... I heard a rumor that Santa might bring you a big boy one for Christmas! 
{Burrrrrr.... Mommy it is cold! Can we please go inside??!?!}

You learned to mumble "mumumum" and "mamamama" this week... your daddy made fun of mommy because I claimed that it "melted my heart." Just wait until he hears "daddaddad." 

You are a sweet little boy! We love how you get excited with your whole body. It is so much fun to watch you grown and learn. 

November and a Little December

Bath time continues to be a highlight in Crockett's day. Michael snapped a few pictures while I was out with some Gymboree moms for dinner. It was the perfect treat to come home to! 

We celebrated Cullen's 2nd birthday with the family at the new restaurant in Boerne, Boo Dawgs. 

 Crockett LOVES his cousins and always tries to kiss them... yes, even the boys! 

We celebrated Thanksgiving in Austin this year. It was a small group around the dinner table, but a sweet time. After filling our bellies with some yummy food, we talked to Brooke, Bo & Cal in Connecticut. My precious Papa is 91 years old and was BLOWN AWAY by FaceTime. 

My parents live on the practice putting green at Barton Creek Country Club. Some of their dear friends, the Gressetts live a few houses down. We met on the green with the babies to give thanks!
 {The Srps, The Somers, & The Gressetts}

Crockett and his buddies Hudson Somers and Lucy Bell Gressett. 

We put our Christmas tree up when we got home from Austin. I really thought Crockett would be crawling around and pulling ornaments off of the tree... but thankfully he is still not crawling. Although we are getting closer by the day! 

Crockett was invited to a birthday party for our new neighbor, Cole Davis. It was a special party because Santa was invited! As you can see, Crockett was terrified of the special guest! 

Maybe if Mommy sits on Santa's lap and holds you it will help.... 
No luck. 

It has been a great beginning to the holiday season. We are loving reliving the thrills of Christmas now that we have a little one... Merry Christmas Y'all! 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Happy OWLoween!

Crockett's first halloween was a blast! It was drawn out over 3 days which made for a lot of fun! Crockett's Aunt Emma helped Michael and I pick out the owl costume. We bought it on eBay and thought he was the cutest little owl ever! 

We spent Saturday morning at a fall party at Reid & Gracelyn Aderholt's house. Crockett spent the whole party starring and watching all of the big kids. He is very observant. 

 Allison had the perfect fall picture background set up in their beautiful backyard!

Taking a break from being an owl to swing!

I really cannot wait for more play dates with this precious little girl! 

Another attempt at a group picture. It is comical trying to get this many little ones  to all face forward and smile! 

Crockett was confused by Gracelyn's tutu. He couldn't stop starring! 

Our 2nd Halloween party was at the Garrison's house on Kitty Kat Lane. It was a blast- a true small town cul de-sac party!

Crockett was a trooper and wore his costume so well!

Crockett and Brody enjoyed playing in the leaves and grass. 

Mimi came to the party too!

Our little owl sitting and playing all by himself. I thought the back of his costume was just as cute as the front!

Cousin Eli and cousin Cullen were there too! Aunt Laura MADE their costumes... so impressive! 

Eli is such a sweetheart and LOVES his littlest cousin!

Yep. We even had a silly string fight!! 

Crockett wasn't too sure about the silly string!

After the cul de-sac party, Michael took Crockett over to the Yost's house. I went to BSF, so I missed out on the trick-or-treating. 

Word on the street was that Crockett smiled and showed a sense of relief once his costume came off... can't say I blame him!

It was a fabulous first halloween! Our little owl was precious and we got to eat the trick-or-treat candy... without having to explain to Crockett where it all went! {Bliss} 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

8 Months

Crockett turned 8 months old on November 3, 2011. He is at a really fun age... he loves to sit and stand {supported} but has no interest in crawling as he still HATES to be on his tummy. He smiles and laughs a lot. He sleeps 12+ hours at night and takes 2 naps every day!

He weighed 20.3 lbs and measured 28.3 inches at the doctor on Thursday. 
We went in because he has a diaper rash turned yeast infection... poor little guy!

Thursday, November 3rd will be a night I will never forget... Crockett literally did not sleep. He whimpered, moaned and cried all night. We tried everything to comfort him... we even put him in bed with us. Long story short, he has a cold and is teething. Poor little guy! 

Our little guy is eating solids 3 times a day and nursing 4 times. He loves to be outside and still hates his car seat. We go to Gymboree 2 times a week. Crockett {and mommy} love the girls that are in our class!

We move next Friday, so Crockett will celebrate his 9 month birthday in our rent house! 
{I should be packing but I'm really trying to be better about blogging!} 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

Picture overload.

We visited the Boerne pumpkin patch last week to snap a few pictures. Here are some of our favorites!

Crockett was very in to the dirt.