I love naps.
I wish Crockett loved naps.
Crockett doesn't hate them, he is just inconsistent.
Crockett takes a morning nap in his crib. It used to be for 2 hours. Today 45 minutes.
Crockett takes an afternoon nap in the car for at least an hour. I drive or read.
I hate the car habit.
I dream of writing a blog post that gives a detailed description of Crockett's nap schedule. 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon.
I pray about my nap schedule obsession all the time.
I pray for wisdom, patience and an open mind.
I have read Baby Wise and Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child. Enjoyed both. Have a fabulous night time sleeper as a result of the wisdom in these two books.
I talked to a wise friend with 3 kids today and have a plan of attack for tomorrow...
We are staying home all day and Crockett will go down for a nap after an hour to an hour and a half of wake time.
I am hopeful.